Monday, November 24, 2008

Do You Make Sweeping Statements?

...And then, there are those times when you can't get it wrong, no matter what you do. You sweep into a room wearing a gorgeous dress that fits just right, with your makeup flawless and your 'do coiffed to perfection. You change the room just by being in it, this breathtaking version of you that seems to be made of magic and fairy dust.

Tony Bowls TBE 1898 Tony Bowls TBE 1859

Can the right dress really do all that? Yes, the right dress, and that enchanting smile of yours. Nothing in the world quite like it! Years from now, you will clutch these memories close to your heart. In fond remembrance, you will look back to that golden time when you couldn't get it wrong, no matter what you did. And you had the world at your slippered feet.

When was the last time you made a sweeping statement? Let us know!

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